Symptoms of delta strain

delta strain

Delta strain of coronavirus was detected in 31 people in Azerbaijan. It has been reported for some time that this strain will be detected in Azerbaijan. Given that travel to and from the country is free, there was no denying that this would happen to Azerbaijan. But how dangerous is this virus? Is there much to worry about? Will the discovery of this strain in our country lead to closures? What are the features of Delta, from which country is it most likely to spread?

Nilufar Mammadova, an assistant doctor at the Department of Infectious Diseases of the Azerbaijan Medical University, told Yeni Musavat:

As for the symptoms of Delta strain, although it is similar to other strains, nasal discharge, headache, sore throat are more common in this disease, and people feel more like they have the flu and cold. It has been confirmed that this strain has a higher infectivity than other strains. When it spreads rapidly among the population and there is a need to hospitalize patients, specialists can change decisions about closures. But time will tell. Because the vaccines used in Azerbaijan are protective against this strain, people may not need to be locked up as long as they do not need to be hospitalized. "

The infectious disease specialist also answered the question from which country Delta is most likely to spread to Azerbaijan. "At present, it is difficult for  doctors to give an exact answer, because the virus is spread from one country to another, as Azerbaijan is not served by airlines," he said. The main thing is that these people were identified in time, and because they entered the portal, their contact with other people was prevented. This is important in terms of preventing the spread of the virus, taking timely preventive measures. Of course, the population should be more responsible. "As mentioned earlier, the disease spreads rapidly indoors or in places with poor ventilation systems. The faster it spreads, the more likely it is to spread at weddings and gatherings. We urge people to be more careful."

A joint statement from the Ministry of Health, the State Agency for Compulsory Medical Insurance and the Medical Territorial Units Management Association (MEDA) said that the recent new variants caused by mutations in coronaviruses are a matter of serious concern around the world. As part of the measures taken to control the epidemiological situation in our country, the Genetic Diagnostic Center of the National Hematology and Transfusiology Center conducts regular tests on genetic variants of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. In the next stage of the research, B.1.617 (Delta) variant was found in 31 samples and B.1.1.7 variant (20 Alpha V1, Britain) in 9 samples taken from foreigners recently: “Obtained from the researches conducted in the world and in our country Analysis of the results shows once again that the most effective way to protect against new and rapidly spreading dangerous variants of the virus is vaccination. Today, we are indebted to the stable epidemiological situation in our country for vaccination. We once again call on all our citizens to be vaccinated without delay. We must not forget that along with vaccination, rules such as physical distance, use of masks and hand hygiene are the only way to protect against the disease and return to normal life in the world and in our country, regardless of the variant of the virus. "

The Ministry of Health, the State Agency for Compulsory Medical Insurance and TABIB also answered questions from citizens regarding the "Immunity Certificate". First of all, it was stated about the validity period of the "Immunity Certificate" that people who have COVID-19 and are officially registered can get an "Immunity Certificate": "Scientific studies show that antibody titers in the blood of infected people decrease after 6 months. . For this reason, the validity period of the "Immunity Certificate" is 6 months. After the expiration of the "Immunity Certificate" after July 2, 2021, the "Immunity Certificate" of a person receiving 1 dose of any vaccine used in our country is extended indefinitely. Those who have been vaccinated with 1 dose before July 2021 must be vaccinated with the 2nd dose.

The "Vaccine Certificate" confirms the immune response to vaccination against COVID-19. "Vaccination certificate" is issued to those who inject both doses of any of the vaccines against COVID-19 in Azerbaijan. Visit the website and select "COVID-19 vaccine appointment"


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